Saturday, April 5, 2014

Journaling Prompts to Get Going

It’s the nothingness of the blank page which sometimes makes it difficult to get started  with an entry.  You want to do it, but it’s hard to get started.  So on a bad day having some sort of “jump-starter” can help get the journaling motor running.  So here are some suggestions which might help to “prime the pump.”

·        Time-related Prompts: can help divide both the infamous blank page (and confused  thoughts) focus into a more coherent, manageable form, especially when you are busy.  These can be simple:
A.M. – Something which happened this morning …
P.M. – Something which happened this afternoon …
P.P.M. – Something which happened this evening …
·        Event-related Prompts:  something which caught your attention, such as
Halloween Parade – the colorful costumes, children’s creativity , give details…,
Spring Morning – open windows, bird songs, first daffodils …
Silent Night – snow swirling gently, sound of limbs knocking in the wind, …
·        Text-Related Prompts:  Some introductory phrases which can get you going:
Using the Senses – I am/was…, I hear/d …, I see/saw …, I said …,  I feel ...,
Expressing Emotions – I want …, I need …, I hope …, I fear …,
Sharing Aspirations – I try …, I wonder …, I dream …,
·        Find Something New/Fresh:  look more closely at the world around you.
Take a Tour – the house, a room, the garden; let the old become new again
Visit a seldom-seen spot – what was it then?  Now?  What’s joyful?  Memories?
Nature: Sun Rises/Sun Sets.  Watch it start-to-finish, Where rise/set? 
·        Shapes & Shadows: Use the imagination, practice awareness …:
Cloud Formations - wonderful because they change all the time
Who Can Catch the Wind? - Gentle breeze, summer day, storm coming?
·        The Funny & the Odd: Why is it that way?  How did it strike you? Special?
Once upon a time – As I mentioned before, this one is a classic …,
What might “that” mean? – what ever it is, it is interesting and worth recording
What is special about just ordinary things?  Tell the story interesting behind it.

Some Words of Encouragement:
v     Stop every little while and notice what’s all around. [CR]
v     Warmth on the inside can melt cold on the outside.  [CR]
v     Be sensitive to the sounds and rhythms of words, as well as their meanings. [CR]
v     “Seen through my window, Around the heated birdbath, Three bluebirds huddle.”
v     Remember to laugh. [CR]
         Q:  Where did Napoleon keep his armies?
   A:  Up his sleevies! 

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