Friday, March 8, 2019

From September 30, 2006
Today’s Chuckle

   This anecdote comes via a friend who used to work with the summer theater in Westport, CN, every year when she was younger.  At the time Joanne Woodward and Paul Newman owned a house there.  Paul wanted to support the theater, so he opened a restaurant by the theater, proceeds to go to the theater.

   So one day, Paul Newman and his pal, Robert Redford, are in the local ice cream parlor, sitting in the back having an ice cream cone.  Two ladies came in for ice cream, one a visitor to Westport, to have ice cream.  They see Newman and Redford, but they keep cool and dignified, though the visitor is thrilled to death.  They order cones, pay for them, and leave.  When they get outside, the visitor says, “Where is my ice cream?  She forgot to give it to me.”  So they go back in and explain to the server.  The server says, I gave you the ice cream.”  The visitor says, “Well, I know I paid you, but where’s my ice cream?”  So Paul Newman calls out from the back, “You put it in your purse!”   

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